Friday 16 October 2009

All 5 Final Designs & Conclusion

I like these designs. They are what I expected to acheive when I started my 'mini briefs'. Of course, I can see improvements to each one, but to produce each one of these in a short timeframe, for me, I think I did well. I set out these mini briefs to challenge myself at working in a quick pace to produce a finished design in less than a day and succeded.
In this past week, I have used my 'intentions for this year' to not only use to represent in the designs, but in the way I have worked, such as using this blog and commiting myself to adding to it daily. And also organizational skills that's needed when working on 5 designs in 5 days. And to succesfully completing the project on time.
I have learnt from this exercise and that means I have developed further as a graphic designer.

link to portfolio

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